Greg with Gratitude

Greg with Gratitude

Words are not enough to show my appreciation for what the organization has done for me. I truly believe I would have given up on life without this ability. Thank God for your kindness and understanding, it will never be taken for granted, nor forgotten. Thank you so...
Teamwork at it’s Finest

Teamwork at it’s Finest

Benson and his prosthetist, Dan Bastian with Progressive O & P in Albertson, NY are pictured. In late 2016 at age 33, Benson lost his leg in a transit train accident. Traversing the mental, physical and emotional trauma of limb loss, Benson met Dan, and began the...

From the desk of our Warehouse Manager

As the past several months have unfolded, I have been amazed at the consistent and generous support of our clinic partners. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced virtually every industry to re-think, and in some cases, re-invent their approach. Limbs for Life has been no...
John’s Journey

John’s Journey

Our LFL Board Member John Shelton shares his story. John is a tri-athlete, veteran and amazing volunteer. We are honored by his service on every level. On September 17, 1985, I was traveling across Classen Blvd. in Oklahoma City on my bike and was broadsided on my...