From the desk of our Warehouse Manager

As the past several months have unfolded, I have been amazed at the consistent and generous support of our clinic partners. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced virtually every industry to re-think, and in some cases, re-invent their approach. Limbs for Life has been no...
John’s Journey

John’s Journey

Our LFL Board Member John Shelton shares his story. John is a tri-athlete, veteran and amazing volunteer. We are honored by his service on every level. On September 17, 1985, I was traveling across Classen Blvd. in Oklahoma City on my bike and was broadsided on my...
’10x Easier’ with Proper Feet

’10x Easier’ with Proper Feet

In 2019, Limbs for Life provided a limb to Adam, who lives and works in Texas. He lost both legs over a three-year period from a spider bite and infections. He was having difficulty adapting as the feet were not appropriate for his level of activity and mobility. We...
A Mother’s Gratitude

A Mother’s Gratitude

Cinthya Rodriguez of Peru wrote to us and told us the story of her mother, Giovanna. Cinthya is a cyclist who competes internationally. In 2017, her mother, Giovanna was hit by a truck while riding on a motorbike alongside her daughter in a group training ride. Her...